Du Chang-line "love ♥ interaction" help release personal information
To help as much as possible to ensure the authenticity of the information in the "love ♥ interaction" help release the information, please be sure to observe the following rules:
1, Information dissemination identification: including ID number, work unit, telephone (mobile, fixed phone), home address;
2, The victim (who need) Identification: ibid;
3, Upload the victim's identity, proof of disease diagnosis, family economic status certificate (issued by the neighborhood) scan images;
4, The use of money to plan and budget (expenditure as a detailed list of needed items);
5, The treatment of the remaining money (retained or donated to others in need?);
6, In the future the way back to society;
7, Due to low confidence of private accounts, so best to get contributions from the local Red Cross and other organizations account, through the Red Cross referred to the victim;
8, The public and private account Account Name must be consistent with the information on victim identification;
9, If the victim as a child, please provide the guardian of identity cards and household registration book scanned images, account information Account Name should be consistent with the guardian; does not meet the above Rules help incomplete information or content, moderators have the right to be deleted;Disclaimer: love ♥ persons interested in assistance with the cautious approach to verify the authenticity of the information, leading to adverse consequences of the loss and is not responsible for this forum.Note: The above interpretation of return are Duchang-line "love ♥ interaction" community.